Nakon dugog niza godina provedenih na Suzukiju, Clement Desalle je odlučio napraviti malu prekretnicu u svojoj karijeri.
Motocross ikona Suzukija je potpisao za Monster Energy Kawasaki Racing Team. Iako je trenutno ozlijeđen, Desalle bi trebao početi testirati motor u sljedećih par tjedana.
Timski kolega će mu biti Jordi Tixier, a obojica su zamijenila umirovljenog Villopotoa i Rattraya. Evo izjave Desallea na engleskom.
“I have been in touch with Thierry (team owner) and François (team manager), who was my mechanic in 2009, for several years now and finally they convinced me to join them for the next two seasons. It was a great feeling to see that they wanted to work with me so much, and that was important for me when it was time to make my decision. I have spent great years with my previous team, but I think that it was the right moment to change colours, bike and environment.
It’s never easy to change, but I’m very happy with my decision and I’m impatient to start testing the new Kawasaki. At the moment I’m still recovering from my shoulder injury; after Lommel I took the decision to undergo surgery to repair it, and two weeks ago I got permission from my doctor to start working with my physiotherapist. Everything is going well so far, and at the end of this month I will have a further check-up to know if I can start riding a bike.”