Svi koji su ozbiljnije vozili koju motocross sezonu znaju koliko motocross zna biti skup, a profesionalni je daleko skuplji. Osim vozača/timova, veliki financijski problem imaju i organizatori, koji sve teže uspijevaju naći financijsku potporu kako bi uspjeli ispuniti uvjete Youthstream-a.
Nažalost, još jedna popularna staza Uddevalla u Švedskoj je otkazana i neće biti u ovogodišnjem MXGP kalendaru. Razlog je naravno financijske naravi, gdje je klubu otkazana velika financijska potpora. U ovom trenutku, zamjene utrke nema. Da li će Youthstream naknadno objaviti novu stazu nije poznato.
“Due to last minute changes, Youthstream regretfully informs that the organizer of the MXGP of Sweden, in Uddevalla, had to cancel the FIM Motocross World Championship event scheduled for the 12th of August 2018.
Unfortunately as a result Youthstream has no choice but to also cancel the EMX125 Presented by FMF racing and EMX250 races that were foreseen at this event.” – Youthstream
“BMK Uddevalla has today decided to withdraw from the 2018 World Cup calendar! No World Cup Motocross in Uddevalla. Since the World Championships in August, negotiations have been ongoing with Youthstream and Uddevalla Municipality. With Youthstream, we completely agree on how the contract would look like in the next three years, the cooperation that we have had over the years with Youthstream has, as usual, worked very well. However, we have been informed by Uddevalla Municipality that we reduce the financial support we have previously received, between 50-60% depending on which of the last two races we count. This has forced us to make the decision not to sign a new contract so as not to jeopardize the club’s activities. We at BMK Uddevalla think Uddevallas biggest recurrence and Scandinavia’s only World Cup motocross arrangement is important not only for us but also many others, including. The visiting industry gets a big supplement and Uddevalla is put on the map.” – BMK Uddevalla