Na kraju prošle sezone, Honda je objavila kako neće produžiti ugovor popularnom Rusu, što je značilo da nakon dužeg niza godina Bobryshev mora u potragu za timom. S obzirom da je gotovo većina timova već pronašla vozače, Bobryshev je morao pronaći drugu alternativu što je rezultiralo Britanskim prvenstvom i promjenom na Suzuki.
Na svu sreću za njega, a na žalost Benoit Paturel-a, poznati proizvođač amortizera BOS je potpisao ugovor s Evgeny Bobryshev-om za 2018 MXGP sezonu. Ono što je zanimljivo jest što će Rus i dalje voziti na Suzukiju, što će značiti da će BOS GP tim biti jedini s dva različita branda pod istim šatorom – Bobryshev na Suzukiju, Jordi Tixier na KTM-u.
We are particularly proud to announce the signature of the number 777 in our 2018 MXGP structure
Evgeny Bobryshev, who has signed with an UK MX Team for the National Championship, came last month to our BOS Suspension headquarters, to develop Factory suspension for his 450RMZ.
At this time, they realized that any races of the two calendars were the same WE…
The decision was set : the Russian racer will be part of the BOS GP team !
“The fact that Evgeny rides a RM-Z450 does not bother us,” explains Olivier Bossard. « It’s even bette. We will be present on the 20 MxGP to show that our suspensions are great, so doing it on a European basis and a Japanese base is perfect “
The Russian driver has already finished three times in the World Top 5, he has signed 14 podiums including 1 unstoppable victory in Germany.
Faithful and hardworking, he will undoubtedly be a good partner for the two riders, currently under contract.